Monday, December 3, 2007

SPY JAN08 Condor (+14%)

Placed condor at 134 (15 delta) and 160 (11 delta)
adjust at 20 delta strikes to adjust at: 157 and 138
82% prob
134/129 PUT for .55 (2 contracts)
160/165 CALL for .35 (2 contracts)

Filled on my limit order for the put side
134/129 PUT @.14 (mark 151.06)
initially sold for .55
total credit from PUT side .41

Filled on my limit order for the Call side
160/165 CALL @.15
initially sold for .35
total credi from the CALL side .20

*Condor closed for .61 credit on 4.10 of risk = 14% ROR in 11 days
for two contracts total return is $122 minus comissions $24 (1.50 per contract)
$98 take home

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