Initiated an IWM condor
65/60 PUT @.34 credit
85/90 CALL @ .33 credit
2 contracts each
20 delta strikes: 69 and 83
placed short deltas at 10 for puts and 13 for calls
86% prob
btc (2) 85 short calls @.07 the 90 long call worthless at this point, no reason to sell and pay commisions.
originally sold verticle @.33 credit
Total credit for CALL .26 credit
btc (1) 65/60 PUT verticle @.23
orinially sold verticle @.34
Total credit for PUT .11
Still holding (1) contract of the 65/60 PUT verticle
If we rally again tomorrow will try to close it for .10
Will not let this condor turn into a looser will manage this remaining PUT verticle closely to not let the risk ruin my hard earned gains.
12/20/07 (closed)
my limit order was filled for the (1) 65/60 PUT verticle @.10 debit
originally sold for .34 credit
total credit .24
Total credit for (2) CALL .26
Total credit for (2) PUT .17 (average of .24 and .11)
Condor credit .43 for 2 contracts = $86
credit .43 / margin 4.33= 9% return on margin
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